Prayer Ministry
Prayer is nothing more or less, than talking with God. It is a two-way
communication with God.
That's it! Nothing complicated. You do not have to be in a certain
place or in a particular position to pray. You do not have to have
your hands clasped together, bending on your knees and saying certain
words in the right order.
Prayer is simply you telling God what is on your heart, mind and
soul and waiting for His response. Yes, there are guidelines to
follow when we approach God in prayer, but prayer is beautiful, uncomplicated
experience we can have with God daily.
Prayer gets us close to God, changes our attitude and allows us
to be the person that God has designed us to be. Our prayers
affects the way God relates to us and the way we relate with others.
prayers can move God to meet our needs as well as those we pray
Prayer changes things. Don't stop praying.